The Princess Ní
O! The Princess Ní.
Slender is she:
In gossamer shot with gold.
And splintered pearls
On threaded curls
Of elfin hair, ’tis told,
She is wanly clad;
But with myriad
Fireflies is she girdled.
Like garnets red
In an amber bed,
While her silver slippers, curdled
With opals pale,
Are of fishes’ mail —
How they slide on the coral floor! —
And over her frock
She wears a smock.
A feathery pinafore,
Of the down of eiders
With red money-spiders
Broidered here and there.
O! the Princess Ní.
Most slender is she.
And lighter than the air.
„Принцеса Ни”. В „Рими от университета Лийдс 1914–1924”, Лийдс, изд. „Суон”, 1924, стр. 58.
Преработен вариант на поемата е публикуван по-късно под заглавие „Принцеса Азйа” в „Приключенията на Том Бомбадил”.